StudioSZ Photo

Shanghai Undressed

Photographer Justin Szeremeta Exposes the Mega-City’s Skyscrapers in Their Natural Habitat

揭秘上海 摄影师Justin Szeremeta镜头中栖息在大都市的摩天大楼

Shanghai is known for its glitz and glamor – a showpiece city exemplifying China’s thriving economy and emergence as a global superpower.  Its iconic skyline defines the city internationally and, compared to some of its ancient counterparts, many of which have rich histories dating back thousands of years, Shanghai is a Chinese city that is sometimes thought of as having little history at all. 

上海以其浮华和魅力而闻名——是彰显中国繁荣经济和全球强国的典型城市。 其标志性的天际线在国际上定义了这座城市,与其它一些拥有几千年丰富历史的事物相比,上海成为了一个有时被认为几乎没有历史的中国城市。

Shanghai Undressed

Photographer Justin Szeremeta Exposes the Mega-City’s Skyscrapers in Their Natural Habitat

揭秘上海 摄影师Justin Szeremeta镜头中栖息在大都市的摩天大楼

Shanghai is known for its glitz and glamor – a showpiece city exemplifying China’s thriving economy and emergence as a global superpower.  Its iconic skyline defines the city internationally and, compared to some of its ancient counterparts, many of which have rich histories dating back thousands of years, Shanghai is a Chinese city that is sometimes thought of as having little history at all. 

上海以其浮华和魅力而闻名——是彰显中国繁荣经济和全球强国的典型城市。 其标志性的天际线在国际上定义了这座城市,与其它一些拥有几千年丰富历史的事物相比,上海成为了一个有时被认为几乎没有历史的中国城市。

Having lived in the Chinese mega-city for the better part of the past decade, I wanted to find a way to celebrate Shanghai’s ever-changing skyline, while unmasking her perceived opulence, to lay her bare – unearthing the diversity one finds in the more uncharted corners of her urban environment. 


Shanghai Undressed is a photo essay that reveals many of the city’s most iconic skyscrapers as dynamic urban actors, each making their presence felt far and wide across the boundless metropolis.  The series juxtaposes the city’s tall buildings with scenes from everyday life in Shanghai, highlighting how these high-rises serve as points of orientation for residents, anchoring their position within this vast, oftentimes chaotic city.


The photo essay does away with the long-established usage of the hero-shot image to document skyscrapers in which the tower is isolated as the be-all end-all.  While most outsiders only ever see the dazzling postcard-like images of the Lujiazui skyline in Shanghai’s Pudong area, this series looks for tall buildings that are spread out all across the enormous city, and then more accurately contextualizes them with varied foregrounds ranging from laneway residential communities, to developing construction sites, to elevated highways, to vibrant commercial corridors.  As a former architect myself who spent more than a decade designing tall buildings in Asia, I eventually came to the realization that very few people cared about the ‘architecture’ as much as I did.  What really matters is its impact on the city, the community, and the people who actually use the building. 

此摄影集未采用通常记录摩天大楼的拍摄手法,将建筑独立取景突出其标志性。有别于大多数外来者看到的上海浦东陆家嘴片区耀眼的明信片一样的天际线景象,这个摄影系列着重捕捉遍布这座大都市的高楼,更准确地将它们与各种各样的前景联系起来,从巷道居民区到正在开发的建筑工地,到高架公路,再到充满活力的商业走廊。 作为一名前建筑师,我花了十多年的时间在亚洲设计高楼建筑,我最终意识到很少有人像我这样在意”建筑”。建筑真正的意义是它对城市、社区和实际使用者的影响。

The experience of photographing this series turned out to be quite liberating.  The specific requirements of professional architectural photography typically dictate that our camera remains on the tripod most, if not all, of the time.  In order to capture the spontaneity of everyday life in the city, I decided from the outset that every image in the series would be taken handheld and from the ground level.  It became a weeks-long adventure that was part architectural and part street photography, leading me to discover hidden parts of the city I had yet to experience.


Each image in the series may very well illicit a unique response from different viewers.  Some people may see tension between the historic fabric and the newer landmark towers, while others may come away with a more harmonious reading of the old and new.  For me, when I look at the entire series as a whole, I see a city that is grappling with how to strike the right balance between preserving the old while ushering in the new.  Critics will lament the demolition of too much of the city’s historical character, but I believe China’s recent focus on urban renewal may have come just in time.  Only time will tell whether  the views captured in this series will live on for future generations to enjoy.
